The heart of YOUR metropolis...?


For our next film pro­ject we need your help! We are loo­king for that cer­tain place (dis­trict, square, park, hill...) in each of the big metro­po­li­ses which the most people (inha­bi­tants or visi­tors) con­sider to be the 'HEART' of that city. Not the geo­gra­phi­cal or geo­me­tri­cal or eco­no­mical center, not a main trans­port hub, or his­to­ric city hall... simply the 'HEART'. So...

Would you please answer us this one question:

What is the heart of your (favo­rite) metropolis...?

Just com­ment this post accor­ding to this pat­tern: 'city (coun­try): heart' but to get the most out of this survey many people would have to answer. so please share this with your friends!



We have a new post for this pro­ject. Please com­ment all hearts of BERLIN there. Thanks! :)


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  1. ich mache mal den anfang.

    leip­zig (deutsch­land): klara-zetkin-park



  2. Usedom- Zin­no­witz :

    DAS mEEr....Wasser ist für mich Leben!!! Es tut nicht nur gut es zu trin­ken, oder darin zu schwim­men und sich ab zu kühlen. Es ist auch gut für die sEEle... ;)

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