Hello World! We are soda.film - a film pro­duc­tion com­pany and social entre­pre­neurs from Berlin, Ger­many.

Enjoy our showreel:

This is an overview of our work. For more details check the soda.films! Or learn more about soda.film.


We from soda.film make films about people, social issues or projects with social impact. As 'Social Enter­prise' we don't focus on mon­e­tary profit (but are allowed to make some).


We love the inter­net and inno­v­a­tive for­mats as much as clas­sic cinema. So we aim for a fusionbetween (seem­ing)oppo­sites: web and cinema, art and com­merce, emo­tion and reason...


We like and prac­tice crowd­fund­ing / -sourc­ing because it democ­ra­tizes Art and Cul­ture and deprives the clas­si­cal 'gate­keep­ers' of their evil powers . We give our audi­ence a voice! 😛


We develop and pro­duce films and tell sto­ries in var­i­ous for­mats and com­bine dif­fer­ent arts of sto­ry­telling (=trans­me­dia) to build 'Bridges between worlds'.

The result is sparkling. soda.film is gonna freshen you up! 😉

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